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    Terms and conditions

    Terms of Sales

    Article 1 – Definitions

    These General Conditions of Sale (hereinafter the “CGV”) are offered by the company BEBE KOOL, under the number YOUR COMPANY NUMBER and whose head office is located in HAMILTON, ONTARIO. (hereinafter “BEBEKOOL”).

    We will subsequently designate:

    “Site”: the site “” and all of its pages, the exclusive property of the Company.

    “Products” or “Services”: all products (materials) and services (services) that can be purchased or subscribed to on the Site.

    “Seller”: BEBE KOOL, legal or natural person, offering its Products or Services on the Site.

    “Customer”: the Internet user, individual or professional, making a purchase of Product(s) or Service(s) on the Site.

    “Consumer”, in accordance with the definition of the preliminary article of the Consumer Code: “any natural person who acts for purposes which do not fall within the scope of his commercial, industrial, artisanal or liberal activity

    The Internet user visiting the Site and interested in the Products and Services offered by the Seller is invited to read these General Terms and Conditions carefully, to print them and/or to

    save on a durable medium, before placing an order on the Site.

    The Customer acknowledges having read the General Terms and Conditions and accepts them in full.

    Article 2 – Application of the General Terms and Conditions and purpose of the Site

    The Seller reserves the right to modify the General Terms and Conditions at any time by publishing a new version of them on the Site.

    The General Terms and Conditions applicable to the Customer are those in force on the day of their order on the Site.

    Legal information concerning the host and publisher of the Site, the collection and processing of personal data and the conditions of use of the Site are provided in the general conditions of use, the legal notices and the data charter of this Site.

    This Site offers the online sale of cosmetic waxing products as well as accessories.

    The Site is freely accessible to all Customers. The acquisition of a Product or Service presupposes acceptance by the Customer of all of these General Terms and Conditions, who at the same time acknowledges having read them fully. This acceptance may consist for example, for the Customer, of checking the box corresponding to the sentence of acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions, having for example the mention “I acknowledge having read and accepted all of the general conditions of the Site”. Checking this box will be deemed to have the same value as a handwritten signature from the Customer.

    Acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions assumes that Customers have the legal capacity necessary for this. If the Client is a minor or does not have this legal capacity, he declares that he has the authorization of a guardian, a curator or his legal representative.

    The Customer recognizes the evidentiary value of the Seller's automatic recording systems and, unless he provides proof to the contrary, he waives the right to contest them in the event of a dispute.

    Any Order for Products implies unreserved acceptance by the Customer and full and complete adherence to these General Conditions of Sale which take precedence over any other document: catalogs, advertisements, notices, unless the Company has expressly agreed otherwise.

    Article 3 – Customer service

    The customer service of this Site is accessible by email at the following address: “” by form or by post to the address indicated in the legal notices. The Customer must indicate in the email his first name, last name, the subject of his request and the number of his Order.

    For any professional request (partnership, media, contract proposal), the Company can only be reached by e-mail at

    Article 4 – Method of subscribing to orders and description of the purchasing process

    The Products and Services offered are those which appear in the catalog published on the Site. Each product is accompanied by a description established by the Seller based on the descriptions provided by the supplier.

    The photos on the Site are non-contractual and may vary significantly from the models photographed. These variations are due to the settings of different screens and cameras, product lighting, shooting angle, etc.

    We define below as “Basket” the intangible object grouping together all the Products or Services selected by the Customer of the Site for a purchase by having clicked on these elements. In order to place their order, the Customer chooses the Product(s) they wish to order by adding them to their “Basket”, the content of which can be modified at any time.

    The Customer places the Order via the Site: the Customer registers and validates the Order on the Site.
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