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    Terms of Service

    Our policy for protecting your personal data allows us to establish a relationship of trust between you and our services, in order to offer you a positive experience, in a completely transparent manner.

    Thanks to this policy, we will be able to take your requirements into account and comply with your expectations.

    In order to respect your trust, Bebe Kool, we primarily guarantee respect for your personal data, as well as the confidentiality of our customers (hereinafter “Your data”).

    For perfect transparency towards you, in order to guarantee secure use of our website in all its available versions and related applications (hereinafter the Site ""), we provide the way in which we process your data, so that our services are always consistent with respect for your rights. In this way, we ensure security as well as confidentiality and non-alteration of your privacy and data, across all of our platforms.

    Our policy and we guarantee that all necessary precautions to protect all of your data and against disclosure, loss or alteration thereof are taken. This is why we provide you with all the elements allowing you to easily understand our way of processing your data. This data will only be kept for the time necessary for the management and processing determined. You can of course, at any time, have access to your data and modify them, since they will be available on your personal spaces on the Bebe Kool site.

    For these purposes, we endeavor to take all necessary steps to comply with applicable data protection law.

    Thus, here undersigned Bebe Kool undertakes through this policy of protection of your personal data to respect the essential principles of the general European regulation and French law regarding the protection of personal data, by providing you with information concerning the existence and the terms of data processing applied here (paragraph 3), the rights you have regarding your data, as well as by applying these rights ourselves (paragraph 6 and 10). Any information relating to possible transfers to a third country or recipients is also made available, as well as the retention period of the collected data (paragraph 5) and security measures (paragraph 9).

    When we mention "you" in this Personal Data Protection Policy, it is quite simply because it is directly linked to you and concerns you as a customer of Bebe Kool, if you have placed an order on the site www.bebekool .com customer of Bebe Kool if you have created a customer account but have not ordered products or services, or if you have browsed as a visitor to the site without having created a customer account or having placed an order.

    WHO ARE WE ?
    Bebe Kool is an LTD, registered under the number xxxxxxx, represented by ELISABETH SIM, as President and CEO and whose head office is located at 210 Golden Orchard Dr. Hamilton, ON CA 9LC6J7

    BEBE KOOL publishes the Site and implements, as such, various processing of your Data as data controller.

    3.1. When do we collect your personal data?

    Your personal data may be collected if you visit the site using cookies, if you create a customer account on the site, if you place an order for one of our products or services or agreed to be a member of our newsletters (SMS, emails).

    Your personal data is used to streamline your navigation on the site, as well as to offer you a more personalized experience. We can thus process your orders as best as possible, provide payment in several installments, avoid fraud, make the necessary reimbursements, and manage your customer reviews.

    3.2. Your navigation on the Site

    In order to allow you to browse the site, we process your data with the legal basis for this, your consent.

    3.3. Processing your orders

    To be able to take care of and process your orders, we use your data.

    The use we make of it is used to manage mediation, customer relations (and that through social networks), our after-sales and distance selling service, our actions relating to the management of marketing and commercial prospecting. for the site, as well as for the management, deliveries and transport of orders